October-November 2022 Updates
We are pleased to announce the following feature updates, including display of the threshold for reflex testing with serum bilirubin if using transcutaneous bilirubin, sequential bilirubin results to trend bilirubin over time, a summarized plain text "copy to clipboard" of all results and recommendations to paste directly into your progress note and the BiliTool EMR API to integrate with your electronic health record system.
Reflex Testing
From Key Action Statement (KAS) 6, the AAP recommends that bilirubin should be confirmed with serum bilirubin if a transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) "exceeds or is within 3 mg/dL of the phototherapy treatment threshold or if the TcB is greater than or equal to 15 mg/dL". This is found in the recommendation section of the results page.

Bilirubin Trends
From guidance in KAS 7, you may now enter sequential sampling age/bilirubin data pairs to evaluate the bilirubin rate of change (ROC). This is especially helpful if the trend exceeds the rapid rate of increase threshold established by the AAP. This is available in the patient summary section of the results page.
Please review a brief tutorial on usage and limitations here.

Copy To Clipboard
Selection of the "Copy to Clipboard" button in the upper right of the recommendations table will copy a plain text summary of all results and recommendations into your clipboard to paste directly into your progress note.

BiliTool EMR
The BiliTool EMR Open API allows integration and autopopulation of relevant data from your patient within your electronic health record system (laboratory, patient demographics, etc.) in the form of an anticipatory button or simple hyperlink to reference the BiliTool results page directly. Available at https://emr.bilitool.org, the API can be configured by relevant personnel within your institution or your EHR vendor directly.
Details on usage and formatting can be found here.